reese's pieces

30ish and indulging in my first late-youth crisis. and apparently some exhibitionism

10 December, 2008

P.S...not so much

We watched "P.S., I love You" last night. It was terrible. Sophie was totally disgusted with me. I saw it in her face; she couldn't even look at me. Mostly, I think, because despite its schmaltzy awfulness, I was sobbing like a little girl. I don't know why I am so easily manipulated into an emotional response when my intellectual responses are usually so cynical. Apparently, however, the waterworks are just itching to be engaged. When we were in Honduras, the very end of "We Are Marshall" was on one morning in the restaurant. I didn't even *see* the movie, and the voice-over-summation guy at the end got to me. Such a cupcake...

Top Yawn is on tonight. I think I missed a week of recap, but it's so boring, I can't even remember who won and who got booted. It's too early to be interesting yet. The only thing I wanted to comment on is the strange editing. Am I the only one who noticed that the lead-in ads featured Padma saying that they had "an unusual problem" and Rocco (dude - fire your surgeon!!) said something about "all 3 being inedible" but during the actual show, neither of those scenes aired? And there's something weird about Leah and Hosea...don't you get the sense that they're showing footage that isn't current and then having people (like the lady from DC who looks so birdy I want to throw bread at her...emu or ostrich?) comment on it. It feels very disjointed.

I am going nuts looking for work. Lots of haunting of Craigslist, writing of cover letters, sending of resumes...little or no response. I have a big party next Friday, so that will keep me busy, and then we're going to the Metho for Christmas. I can't believe how quickly this month is going by. I feel like I am going to lose my mind or leap out of my skin. Living in a constant state of barely controlled panic is not my favorite.


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