reese's pieces

30ish and indulging in my first late-youth crisis. and apparently some exhibitionism

26 August, 2005

magic kingdom my ass

the moment i stepped onto the gangway from the plane i was unmistakably in florida. the smell of wet toilet paper and hot asphalt hit me in the face like a slap. as i headed toward the tram, weaving through the fanny-packed masses, i saw a classic type-two diabetic woman walking through the airport with a video camera. on. why she was capturing the beating heart of the airport remains a mystery. the smells - BO, grease and grass kept coming as i headed to baggage claim and i wondered for the millionth time how the disney empire keeps reeling them in year after year. this place, quite simply, is a cesspool.

taking two flights to get here was a necessary (financial) evil, but i will try really hard not to have to do it again. i slept for only a couple of hours - partly due to a greedy seatmate who wanted to indulge in the spoils of first class - yes, they serve a meal, but why are you hungry at midnight? go to sleep you pig! and partly due to a catterwauling infant. (when cleaning out my desk i found some united first class upgrade certificates. no idea where/when they're from, but i plan to make full use whenever possible.)i had to stop in chicago for a couple of hours and couldn't get to sleep again on the second flight. for some reason, the flight pattern out of seattle was one i don't think i've seen before. we must have headed pretty directly east, and the night was very clear. the snaking highways were still busy at 11:30 when we took off, and the clusters of lights looked artfully scattered...kind of like beading on a dress. says ms. one track mind. speaking of, today my mom handed me some stuff to put in the washer, called me madam and then corrected herself and called me mademoiselle. i realized that i'm almost a madam. when people call me ma'am - one year exactly from today - it will be accurate, if not flattering. disturbing.

last night was a challenge. in addition to me being exhausted, we got into a conversation that didn't go as i'd hoped - nor as she would have hoped, frankly. i'm left, as always where my family is concerned, in a position where doing what i feel is right will hurt someone i care about. not doing it will unfortunately have the same effect. and i made her cry. kind of uncontrollably. it was not pretty. we left things somewhat unsettled, but not really.


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