reese's pieces

30ish and indulging in my first late-youth crisis. and apparently some exhibitionism

22 December, 2008


so not only did i not take a camera to the office party i catered on friday, but i didn't even remember to take business cards. what a pro! we had about 6 or 7 inches of snow here the day before, and i was absolutely freaking out...should i open this cryovac-d beef tenderloin? are they going to cancel? will it get worse? can i even get downtown? luckily, the snow tapered off late thursday evening and it was a dry, powdery snow, so ryan's lesbaru was able to make the trip without any trouble. the event went off really really well. i wish i had photos, but alas. 

saturday morning dawned looking like snow, and the story was that we should gear up for a lot. we went to the grocery and spent approximately a mortgage payment on food, wood & wine. i have to confess that standing at the checkout counter - despite just having cooked for 2 days - and seeing all the food and potential food in the cart - i got a little misty. something about snow must make me want to nest. that afternoon i made crab benedicts, then broke down a chicken, made stock, started some bread dough, and made shepherd's pie, watching the snow all the while. yesterday was even more culinarily intense. i made chicken salad with the breasts i'd pulled the day before (poaching them in the stock i'd made), made cafe lago tomato sauce (second best in the world), made meatballs, made hummus, and finished the bread. this was pretty much the culmination of all my efforts:
homemade sauce, homemade meatballs, homemade bread. if only we had room for that buffalo.

then we went sledding! rob went snowboarding, but i went next door and borrowed our 6-year-old neighbor Nathaniel's flying saucer and went skidding down the lander hill. very fun. here are a couple shots from the action:

what the hell are these??

please can i go sledding?

all suited up, boyeeeee...

i'm 5!!

it finally stopped snowing late last night, and we must have around a foot of total accumulation. we should probably borrow a shovel. word is we could see more wednesday, or it might be warm enough then to just get rain. it's been crazy. i think the city is a little baffled and everyone i know is more than a little stir-crazy. i'm really grateful we had that second snow, because i really couldn't enjoy the first one at all. i should get the next batch of bread dough going...i wish i'd been smart enough to hold a scrap piece of dough from the last batch...need to cultivate a starter...


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