reese's pieces

30ish and indulging in my first late-youth crisis. and apparently some exhibitionism

24 January, 2009



this has gone too far. i was reading a posting on FB by the lovely and talented chef shannon herman, which linked to the LA Times blog. the blog posting touts bacon as the new outre ingredient for desserts. i've had bacon candy, i've had bacon ice cream and i've had bacon truffles. they're ok. i get it. smoky, salty and sweet. i'm unlikely to be convinced that there's a better iteration of that combo than plain old maple syrup and bacon. but whatever. there are only so many ingredients out there, and chefs and cooks need to mash them up and create new trends, whether i like them or not. though, for the record, please keep your bacon out of my martini. a little further into the blog, i saw a related post listing 1,001 things to do with bacon. so i started scrolling through. i only made it to 19...whereupon i saw something so unholy, so completely wrong, it inspired this posting.

just typing this makes me want to throw up. see what i go through for you? ok, it's a cheeseburger, with a fried egg, and bacon, sandwiched between 2 krispy kreme glazed doughnuts. i'm not making this up. how sick and wrong can you get? first of all, and i know this trend has it's fans, but as much as i adore bacon with eggs, and bacon with cheeseburgers, i think the fried-egg-on-burger is gilding the lily a bit. secondly, KK doughnuts are just too soft and sweet for my taste to begin with. they're like warm frosted wonder bread o's. i can very clearly imagine the sugary, greasy, sludgy, wet paste those doughnuts (and the intrepid fingers holding them) would become. and now, minion of satan, you want to go ahead and put them all together? pass the nitroglycerin.

you can see one particularly unappetizing photo of the monstrosity on the LA Times site. Paula Deen, of food network fame made a version she calls, the "ladies brunch burger." since it was prepared by food stylists, it's much more attractive than the LA Times version. but it's still gross. see it here.

there should be a law that if you eat one of those things, you pay out of pocket for your (inevitable) bypass surgery. my premiums do not need to reflect your callous disregard for burgers, bacon, eggs and your heart.


  • At 30 January, 2009 , Blogger always, Erin said...

    ah yes... this delightful culinary car wreck is lovingly known as the Google-burger. Yes... Google serves this very item in their employee cafeteria... Google: triple bypass?

  • At 30 January, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    mmmm, but if only it came in a $3.00 mini meal

  • At 30 January, 2009 , Blogger the pieces said...

    ew, they do not!

    i guess google's reign is destined to be short-lived. who knew?


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